CWDG Grant Round 3 NOFO
Community Wildfire Defense Grant 2024 (FY25) West
Updated February 19, 2025
The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the USDA Forest Service’s third round of the Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) is open effective Nov 21, 2024.
NOTE: The criteria that determine eligibility for a cost-share waiver for CWDG have been updated to only include communities that meet the “Low-Income” criteria.
The application period has been extended nationally until March 14, 2025, with a request to submit by March 11, 2025, for CSFS final review and submission.
Colorado grants use the grant portal.
NOTE: All Colorado applicants are required to connect their region’s CSFS Wildfire Resilience Coordinators or FACO Community Navigators for clarification and assistance with the CWDG application. Use the Colorado specific pre-application intake form.
For all applicants, please see the region-specific NOFO on and reach out to your state or federal POC. However, the state of Colorado has an earlier date to allow for internal review and uploading of your application by the Colorado State Forest Service. Applications must be received by Tuesday, March 11th, 2025. They will provide a unique CSS link to fill out your application following your initial intake with your CSFS Wildfire Resilience Coordinator of FACO Navigator.
Please reach out to if you have any questions or issues.
Preparing for the CWDG

- At high risk
- Considered low income, and
- Has had a federally declared natural disaster increasing wildfire hazard
Webinar Resources:
- View the 04-Nov CO CWDG webinar recording and slide deck for CO specific grant guidance.
- Note: The details in the slide deck were based on the best current knowledge. Review the NOFO for any changes sice the presentation aired.
- Match Calculator
- Match is based on total project cost, which includes the match amount, so it actually ends up being a higher percentage.
- The Match Calculator attached uses an example of a $400,000 project. It is important to note that the match is on total project cost, which includes the match amount, so it actually ends up being a higher percentage.
Important notes on the wildfire risk tool:
The tool may show some discrepancies in data for socially vulnerable metrics, such as low-income and other SVI demographics. Depending on your search criteria when using the tool, you may get different data layers. Additionally, the resource that the reviewers will be using to determine applicant eligibility may also conflict with the map tool.
This tool is not only used to assess social vulnerability for qualifying for the match-waiver, but also to determine low-income eligibility, which is a key priority for this grant. Whether or not a project qualifies as low-income could impact the application by up to 10 points, which can significantly affect its competitiveness. We’re awaiting further information from USFS CWDG Managers on this matter. They have confirmed that any community that was previously eligible and is not showing up that way in the updated CWDG tool will still be considered eligible for this round.
NOTE: All Colorado applicants are required to connect their region’s CSFS Wildfire Resilience Coordinators or FACO Community Navigators for clarification and assistance with the CWDG application. Use the Colorado specific pre-application intake form.
Regional contacts:
Northwest Area: Chazz Lakin (
Northeast Area: Janae Coston-Malpas (
Southwest Area: Todd Loubsky (
Southeast Area: Fire Adapted Colorado (
) will prioritize, WRC’s will assist
Additional Resources:
- See Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network – Community Wildfire Defense Grants: A Round Three Application Primer.
- Reference the Watershed Center – Community Navigator Project Trainings and Resources.
- CWDG-Dashboard-Data-Sources-and-Methods-2024-11-14.pdf
- Virtual Training Opportunity | 4-part Federal Grants Management & Compliance Webinar Series | FACNET
[For grant support needs outside of Community Wildfire Defense Grant 2024 (FY25) West – complete a Community Navigator Request here.]