FACO Opportunity Funds Spark Change in 2024
FACO’s visionaries recognized that sometimes a little ember of funding is all that is needed to get a new project or program underway, and established Opportunity Funds for Network participants in 2018. These continue to be a great way to spur projects and fill critical funding gaps.
In 2024, with a mix-and-match of support from the Colorado State Forest Service, Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program (COSWAP/DNR), BLM Colorado, Argosy Foundation and Resources Legacy Fund, over $27,000 in project funding was awarded to Network participants, with $24,457 of the 2024 awards and another $9,139 of FY 2023 projects reimbursed this year. Through available funding sources, project emphasis was on mitigation projects near BLM managed lands, and on supporting Neighborhood Ambassador Program Growth and Training this year.
Up to $27,084 was approved for project funding in 2024, with $24,457 reimbursed on those projects so far. An additional $9,139 was paid in 2024 to complete Opportunity Fund Projects awarded in 2023.
2024 FACO Opportunity Fund Awards
Awardee Project Description Amount Larimer County Sheriff’s Office, Emergency Services Office Training Support for the Poudre Canyon Fire Mitigation Tool Library $1,800.00 Poudre Canyon Fire Protection District Mitigation Tool Library $5,000.00 Mile High Youth Corp Intermediate Chainsaw Training Collaboration $4,444.00 Spanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection Southern Colorado Ambassador Program Wildfire Workshops $4,840.00 Roaring Fork Valley Wildfire Collaborative Summer Education Series & Wildfire Ready Watersheds Project Match w/BLM $8,000.00 Eagle Valley Wildfire Collaborative Bellyache Ridge HOA Open Space Mitigation Project $3,000.00
Larimer County & Poudre Canyon Fire Protection District – Mitigation Tool Cache & Training
As part of their tool cache, a gas log splitter was purchased to help support a Firewood Bank initiative, helping residents dispose of slash by turning it into firewood to be donated to community members in need. Construction of a shed, brought the community together, with many volunteers contributing to the effort. Funding also supported chainsaw safety classes that enhanced an existing partnership with the Wildfire Partner Program at Larimer County, and the Crystal Lakes Fire District, who conducted the two trainings. Utilizing a local lumber mill to source wood for the shed project, supported a local business in the process.
- Tooll Library Construction
- Chainsaw Safety Class 1
- Chainsaw Safety Class 2
Mile High Youth Corps (MHYC) – Training Collaboration at Green Mountain Falls
The Corps worked with the Coalition for the Upper South Platte to deliver advanced sawyer training to their crew leaders, learning in the field on fuels reduction in the Green Mountain Falls community and along a portion of the PIkes Peak Highway.
Spanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection (SPAWP) – 7 Trainings held as part of a pilot Neighborhood Ambassadors training program
Although SPAWP is a Huerfano County program, created after the devastating 2018 Spring Fire, SPAWP funding was used for a pilot program covering seven southern Colorado counties! Diverse funding included: Outreach materials, kicking off the Custer County Ambassador Program, Education and Mitigation efforts in Teller County, Home Ignition Zone training, and a Tools of the Trade workshops for multiple communities in Huerfano County. A Colorado South Neighborhood Ambassador program leveraged a new statewide volunteer orientation hosted by FACO to provide initial training to 17 Neighborhood Ambassadors in the spring and another 9 in the fall.
- HIZ Training led by Andre’ Mounton
- Robyn Knappe provides Wapiti Creek w/Screening
- SPAWP supports 7 SoCo Counties
Roaring Fork Valley Wildfire Collaborative (RFVWC) – Wildfire Ready Watersheds Match & Summer Education Series
A larger Wildfire Ready Watersheds grant, requiring a $28,000 cash match, was met in part by the addition of $5,000 from FACO program awards. Additional funding assisted with planning and executing a truly star-studded summer education series in the Roaring Fork Valley.
- Summer Wildfire PSA
- Wildfire HIkes Partnership
- April Wildfire Film Event
Eagle Valley Wildfire Collaborative – Bellyache Ridge HOA Open Space fuels project
Funds for the Bellyache Ridge HOA were utilized on an open space project in the center of the neighborhood, reducing fuels and the risk of wildfire within the community. Vegetation techniques like thinning trees, removing dead brush, and creating defensible space to prevent the spread of flames and protect surrounding communities and natural habitats.
FACO has been providing Opportunity Fund awards to our network participants since 2018. Read more about our 2023 awards, and how FACO’s Opportunity Fund Creates a Big Impact with a Little Money and get a little history on our first awards.
The National Fire Protection Association® supported by State Farm®, also generously funded Wildfire Community Preparedness Day projects, through FACO in 2024. FACO was also able to award 14 projects, during Wildfire Awareness Month – including installing address signage, an evacuation drill, HIZ evaluation, and vegetation management around homes and condominiums, roadside thinning, chipping, and a fire fair.
Building relationships and fostering collaborations are essential in addressing complex challenges like wildfires. The Fire Adapted Colorado (FACO) network recognizes the importance of bringing together various stakeholders, from community members to subject matter experts, to work towards better wildfire outcomes. Networking allows for the exchange of knowledge, resources, and experiences, ultimately strengthening the collective capacity to mitigate wildfire risks and enhance community resilience. As the saying goes, sometimes it’s not about being the expert yourself, but rather knowing who to turn to for expertise and support. This collaborative approach can indeed propel toward successful outcomes by leveraging the strengths and capabilities of diverse partners. Visit our website, to learn more and to Join the FACO Network!