Wildfire risk not disclosed in most home sales
The NPR article, Millions of home are at risk of wildfire, but it’s rarely disclosed, by Lauren Summer starts, “Jennifer Montano watches her two kids’ faces as they quietly clamber out of the car in their driveway in Vacaville, Calif. It’s been a week since the children were last home, but where their house once stood, there’s ash and rubble now.”

This article features Fire Adapted Colorado’s Board Chair and Eagle County, Colorado Wildfire Mitigation Coordinator, Eric Lovgren, sharing about their RealFire Program which helps residents and new home-buyers understand and reduce their wildfire risk and is supported by the Vail Board of Realtors.
It also has highlights from Headwaters Economics which shares abundant wildfire research and from Patty Champ, long-time wildfire social science researcher with the USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station and Wildfire Research Center referencing resident surveys that demonstrate residents often not recognizing their risk before receiving a household survey.
Enjoy the full article HERE.