FACO Opportunity Funds Spark Change in 2024

FACO’s visionaries recognized that sometimes a little ember of funding is all that is needed to get a new project or program underway, and established Opportunity Funds for Network [...]

Harvesting Resilience

Early October, in beautiful Snowmass, participants and enthusiasts of Colorado’s Wildfire Resilience Network, gathered to garner strategies that can make our state more resilient to [...]

Not if, but When

Those of us who are passionate about wildfire mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery have heard it time and time again, the phrase it’s not if, but when. It means that a thing is [...]

Building Relationships – Fostering Collaboration

This Wildfire Awareness Month, we are encouraged by our on-the-ground Wildfire Community Preparedness Day projects, through a $10,000 award from the National Fire Protection Association® [...]

Empowering Wildfire Resilience: FACO Opportunity Funds’ Impact in 2023

The Fire Adapted Colorado Wildfire Resilience Opportunity Fund played a crucial role in supporting participants within the FACO network again in 2023. With the support of BLM Colorado, Colorado [...]

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